Sunday, June 3, 2012


Well, my life has changed a bit. After a 21 month stint as a full time skier and unemployed job seeker, I have taken a full time position back in the IT world. I was a database administrator for 10 years when my job was outsourced in July 2010 and I am now a database administrator again for a large retailer instead of a technology company. Before trying any of this computer stuff in the corporate world, I was a free lance finish carpenter, cabinet maker and skier. During those years I was lucky enough to ski at least 100 times a season; most of it professionally as a race coach and educator for the Eastern Division of the Professional Ski Instructors of America. If you have looked at this blog in the past, my skiing background is fairly obvious. When I was employed (as opposed to self employed) I was still able to work for the race club and the PSIA but during those years I skied closer to 60 times and half of those were night training alpine ski racers. Sill, lots of skiing...and on small mountains, mostly. I have had two fabulous winters since I started writing this blog (even if this last one was a bit too warm). So, as I get back into the rhythm (or maybe no rhythm) of a regular job, I will again ski less days at fewer ski areas but remain a passionate small mountain skier

What all this means to this blog is not absolutely clear to me. Even though, I am pretty crumby when it comes to regular updates, I have enjoyed writing about skiing things. I will continue to write about my experience as a small mountain skier. I will be happy to keep writing about my experiences skiing around different places with different people. I also think I will try and comment more about skiing events and issues from my small mountain skier vantage point. I won't be traveling so much or so far but I will continue to enjoy every day I spend on the slopes.

I do have many other interests that I would like to or could write about; cooking, photography, woodworking, canoing, life in the middle of nowhere etc. but... there are not only tons of these kind of blogs out there already, there are tons of really good ones. I can never seem to keep up with the blogs I want to read. There are some great ski blogs too. I do read the ski blogs I follow more regularly than those of my other interests. After all, I am identified and identify as a skier first in most cases. Very few blogs celebrate small mountain skiing so, I will continue to do so. At small mountains I find friendly, enthusiastic, humble skiers, many of them excellent; really fair value for the service and very often some really good skiing. I am happy to call myself a small mountain skier....but in the back of my head I often believe that someday... that might change :-)

Off Season! Enjoy and get ready.

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